The tutorials included here will run the gamut of tasks you can perform with your Tracer. We start, of course, with the physics of X-ray fluorescence. From there, you can begin using S1PXRF to set measurement parameters, and collect data. A great deal of qualitative work and simple application of quantification can be done in this software, though you may find it preferable to move on to more powerful forms of analysis.

With the Tracer, you have multiple ways of analyzing the data. You can perform a Bayesian deconvolution using the Artax Spectra software to get semi-quantitative data in the form of net photon counts. This data can be used on its own merits, or used as the first step toward building a calibration. Quantification theory should be reviewed prior to building a calibration if this is your first time - this will help lay the groundwork for the next steps. Once you are comfortable, you can begin the process of building or modifying a calibration file using S1CalProcess. You can even perform a mass quantification of data using this approach for thousands of spectra at once.

There are also additional types of analysis that you can do - but it requires some manual work with the spectrum. Rather than relying on a given software protocol to automatically obtain net count rates or quantitative data, you can manually select a region of interest in a spectrum in the Artax software. You can also use the S1CalProcess software to do similar analysis of spectral peaks for certain elements. If you are using a Titan or have collected data using dual mode, you can also split spectrum from the high and low passes so that you can analyze data in a more detailed way.

Finally, you can change energy and current presets for the Tracer using the X-Ray Ops software. This allows you to change the range of elements you see, as well as adjust the intensity of the beam. If you have a Tracer IV, this also gives you more flexibility with your automatic filter wheel.